Lets change shall we
I remember saying around a month or so before Christmas that it would be our December festivities that would bring us out of the recession. And now we are apparently out of the woods. Having said this I think we are no further than we were Pre-Christmas. The umbrella status is obviously better but as people have we learnt?
We are yet to truly change, maybe this is the sync in me who knows that for a lot of people that have been feeling the pinch may end up back to old (and bad) habits, when the sniff of economic paranoia has gone.
Societies 'credit' giving ways need to change. If we want to buy a sofa, don't buy now pay later, because by the time you come to paying the monthly amounts there will be another thing that you will want. It is a downward spiral that wont get us anywhere in the long term.
Maybe we all need to go on that long walk before deciding that habitual impulsive lifestyles are not a solution but part of the problem.